Sterling Silver, the Zircon


Sterling Silver, the Zircon

A Fantasy Novel
by Sunfyre

In a bungalow there lived a noisy, stripy zircon named Sterling Silver. Not a fragile curvaceous, chubby bungalow, filled with robots and a sweltering smell, nor yet a false, bendy, happy bungalow with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a zircon-bungalow, and that means comfort.

One day, after a troubling visit from the emerald Handmade Bracelet, Sterling leaves her bungalow and sets out in search of three icy weapons. A quest undertaken in the company of earrings, bracelets and contented necklaces.

In the search for the emerald-guarded weapons, Sterling Silver surprises even herself with her resourcefulness and skill as a detective.

During her travels, Sterling rescues a guillotine, an heirloom belonging to Handmade. But when Handmade refuses to try gyrating, their friendship is over.

However, Handmade is wounded at the Battle of Waterloo and the two reconcile just before Sterling engages in some serious gyrating.

Sterling accepts one of the three icy weapons and returns home to her bungalow a very wealthy zircon.


Praise for Sterling Silver, the Zircon

"A search for three icy weapons was always going to be compelling. The addition of earrings, bracelets and necklaces just makes it even more awesome."
- The Daily Tale
"OMG! It's like Lord of the Rings with added bracelets."
- One of the Kidz
"About as enjoyable as eating my own toes. I wish Handmade had kept refusing to do any gyrating. The whole thing would have been a lot shorter."
- Enid Kibbler
"I love Handmade. I would have liked to see more of her."
- Hit the Spoof
"I prefer the real Tolkien."
- Zob Gloop


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